Red Light campaign is welcome initiative
Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 28, 2003
The Labor Day holiday is fast approaching and with it come plans of cookouts, family gatherings and travel. This Labor Day weekend, though, will also bring the Red Light Running campaign.
The campaign is an effort by the Selma Police Department to reduce the number of people who run red lights. It is slated to last from Aug. 29 to Sept. 5.
And not a moment too soon.
Drivers who ignore red lights are a common problem in Selma. Many drivers pause for longer than they would in other cities precisely because of the fear someone will ignore the red light and cause an accident.
That’s what the campaign is expected to curb.
According to Lt. David Evans, his department received a federal grant allowing at least three extra officers on patrol during the campaign.
We hope the Red Light Running campaign helps start a change in the way some people drive through the city. Walking and riding bicycles is a common practice in Selma. Children sometimes can be found on lesser traveled streets playing basketball. Running red lights isn’t just an accident waiting to happen involving cars. It could also involve pedestrians, bicyclists and children.
In addition to cracking down on those who run lights, officers will also be giving tickets for not wearing a seat belt and be looking for those drivers who could be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Placing an emphasis on running lights, buckling up and drunken driving isn’t just for the holiday weekend, though. The campaign may end Sept. 5, but that doesn’t mean it’s back to the 5-second wait once the light has turned green.
The Red Light Running campaign is an opportunity for all drivers in Selma to take another look at their driving habits. Here’s to a safe weekend and a safer Selma.