Contractors give update on Selma High

Published 12:31 am Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Volkert Inc., the construction company working on Selma High School’s new facility, said they project their overall finish date with phase two of the school to be on Dec. 1.

Phase two includes the demolition of the old Selma High building, which was demolished in August, and various tasks of site work such as parking lots and landscaping. The phase also includes the completion of the career technical buildings and field house.

“You will still see a presence from us around as we try to tie up loose ends and make sure everything is finished and pulled together like it needs to be,” Jonathan Grammer, construction manager with Volkert said at Tuesday’s Selma City School Board work session.

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Grammer also announced that the project is currently under the allocated $27 million budget by $100,000.

“The only additional work that we are considering right now is on the C building, which is the building that is facing Franklin [Street] there in the back,” Grammer told the board about the building that houses masonry and welding trades. “We are looking at adding a classroom as well as another storage room.”

He said the addition proposal is being overviewed by the contractor for budget and logistical purposes, then after review they will adjust their work schedule.

“What we have done is we have sent the drawings to the contractor on that project and they are looking at pricing [the building] and getting back to us so we can see if the cost will fall in the budget.” He said. “We hope to have that in the next couple of weeks and of course that work will add another two to three months of time to the project.”

The parking lots of the school are almost completed according to Grammer minus the line stabilization, curbing the gutters and finishing the asphalt.