On anniversary keep tornado victims in your thoughts, prayers

Published 12:48 am Friday, April 27, 2012

Dear editor,

Well today marks the anniversary of a very sad, but also a very heroic day in Alabama history. Sad, because so many people lost their lives on this day one year ago, heroic due to the response of our people.

Everywhere you went you saw people working to help. The stories of heroism during and after the storms were common and they reflect I think, the very best of the people of Alabama.

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I know many are still working just as hard today to continue the rebuilding of our state and I know that there is still a lot of work to be done, but I know the people of this state will ultimately achieve their goal.

We in Dallas County have been very lucky these past few years; we have not had the devastation here that others have had. But every time disaster strikes, you all respond and go to the area affected and work like it is your own home that has been hit. The love and care you display speak volumes about the quality of people in Dallas County.

So pray today for the victims of the storms and their families, pray that we don’t experience it firsthand here, but also pray that if it does, we can work together as a community to respond in a way that makes all of Alabama proud.


Jeff Cothran

Executive Director

United Way of Selma & Dallas County